• An Ultra Simple, Affordable Way for K-12 School Districts to Comply With Alyssa's Law

    WatchTower offers a mobile app for teachers and staff with a one tap lockdown button and a one tap need help button.

    School resource officers and admins get a text alert with a loud audible alarm.

    Basic Plan priced at $3.50 per student per school year.

    Everything you need. Nothing you don't.

  • Since 1999

    In the United States of America


    School shootings


    Students, staff, teachers killed


    Active shooter events


    Students, staff, teachers injured by a bullet

  • The Fastest Way to Get Help and Secure a Campus

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    Teacher and Staff Mobile App

    • One tap button for active threat to start lockdown process
    • One tap button for need urgent help, such as a fight in a classroom
    • Geolocation for room or hallway location reporting
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    Mobile App for SROs and Admins

    • Instant phone based alarm alerts
    • Geolocation to pin point where alert was trigged
    • Reporter's name and contact information

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    Connected Smart Devices

    Any smart device with an open API that can connect to the school WiFi network can be integrated onto our safety platform. Examples include:

    • Speakers for announcements
    • Lights including blue flashing patterns
    • Physical panic buttons mounted to walls, under desks, or around staff lanyards
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    Our standard plan comes with one integration to RapidSOS so your area's 911 center gets an instant report of a panic button being pushed. Benefits include:

    • No duplication or overlap of 911 systems
    • Streamline response
    • Geolocation and reporter information integration
  • About Alyssa's Law

    Alyssa's Law is named after Alyssa Alhadeff, a 14 year old victim of the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida.

    It's critical legislation designed to improve and accelerate law enforcement response time during emergenices at public elementary and secondary schools.

    The law mandates silent panic alarms in schools that are directly linked to law enforcement.

    7 states have enacted Alyssa's Law with more expected in 2025.

    Many states offer school districts funding for implementing solutions that meet requirements of the law.

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    At WatchTower our products are designed specifically for K-12 schools.

    It takes an incredible amount of thought and design skills to make mobile apps and integrations that work in the simplest and seamless way for users. While alternative mobile safety solutions exist- these companies serve customers across 10+ industries and have overcomplicated their products with call centers, text messaging and other things law enforcement doesn't want.

    They also abuse the system by influencing law makers to pass rules that compel school districts to offer a solution without adequate funding. Then these same companies overinflate their pricing to put school districts in a bind.

    WatchTower is a trusted partner to K-12 school districts and law enforcement officers to offer what you need at a price that you can afford.

  • Our Pricing

    Simple, affordable, transparent pricing

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    Basic Plan

    For Alyssa's Law Compliance


    per student per year

    paid annually

    3 year contract

    Mobile apps for users

    RapidSOS integration

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    Plus Plan

    Smart Device Integration

    Ask for Quote

    Purchase smart devices

    Other integrations

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    Brian Klem


    • Current High School Business Teacher
    • 20 years of experience in tech innovation
    • Key part of 3 startups sold in the 8 figures
    • Founded Womb, a digital pregnancy and postpartum health solution
  • WatchTower Has Not Launched.

    We're seeking our first customers. If you want to be at the ground floor of something special and have an impact on the future of school safety, join our community today.